What Hebei Can Offer丨③ How Children's Bikes Go Global 特色奇遇“冀”丨平乡童车 走向世界
Jan 18,2024 Great Wall New Media

有“童车之都”之称的河北省邢台市平乡县是国家级外贸转型基地。平乡县年产自行车、童车及玩具达1.45亿辆 (件),占中国市场的50%、国际市场的40%,产品远销俄罗斯、美国、英国、泰国等60多个国家和地区。经过40年的稳步发展,已逐步形成集自行车、童车及电动玩具生产加工销售社会化服务于一体的产业集群。

Pingxiang County of Hebei Province, known as home of kid's bikes and trikes, has China's largest industrial cluster producing bikes, kid's bikes, trikes and toys. About 40% of the world's kid's bikes come from this place. After 40 years of steady development, Pingxiang today has become an industrial cluster that specializes in production, processing, sales and social services of bikes, kid's bikes and electric toys. In terms of product technology, local enterprises in Pingxiang have developed a lot of new products, which are not only sold in China but also all over the world. Bicycle industry has brought unprecedented prosperity to Pingxiang.


How are the bikes produced here in Pingxiang? Why the bikes produced here can be sold around the world? Today, Reymond, a cycling enthusiast from the Philippines, comes here with curiosity and starts an exploratory tour.

总策划:那书晨 张砚平 王悦路

Supervising Producers: Na Shuchen, Zhang Yanping, Wang Yuelu

总监制:李 遥 刘 浏

Chief Producers: Li Yao, Liu Liu

策 划:景廷楠 施 扬 杨建民

Planners: Jing Tingnan, Shi Yang, Yang Jianmin

编 导:宋立芳 郑 白 齐建仓 李文培

Choreographer-directors: Song Lifang, Zheng Bai, Qi Jiancang, Li Wenpei

摄 像:王守一 张荣鹏 刘要芳 李鹏飞

Cinematographers: Wang Shouyi, Zhang Rongpeng, Liu Yaofang, Li Pengfei

剪 辑:赵博轩 韩铮铮

Editors: Zhao Boxuan,Han Zhengzheng

字幕翻译:宋立芳 米雯婷 (实习生)

Script Translators: Song Lifang, Mi Wenting(Intern)

文字校对:郑白 李文培

Text proofreaders: Zheng Bai, Li Wenpei

指导单位: 河北省人民政府新闻办公室

Instructor Unit: Information Office of People's Government of Hebei Province


Supporting Unit: Hebei Foreign Publicity and Exchange Center

鸣谢单位:平乡县委宣传部 平乡县融媒体中心


Publicity Department of the CPC Committee of Pingxiang County, Pingxiang Media Center

Editor: Song Lifang