Farming Proverbs of China③: Mountain dwellers live off the mountain, shore dwellers live off the sea
Nov 24,2023 Great Wall New Media

悠悠万事,吃饭为大。“吃饭”不仅仅是消费粮食,肉蛋奶、果菜鱼、菌菇笋……样样都是美食。中国丰富的自然资源带来了多样独特的美味,勤劳智慧的中国人“靠山吃山,靠海吃海”,精心耕耘着脚下的每一寸土地,用非凡的智慧从大自然获取食物和营养。微纪录片《农谚中国》第三集《靠山吃山 靠海吃海》,带您看“大食物观”下多元化的食物供给,如何滋养百姓的餐桌。

Of all things, eating matters most. Eating does not mean consuming cereals only. It also means consuming such foods as meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables, fish, mushrooms, and bamboo shoots...China's rich natural resources have offered a variety of unique yummy foods. The industrious, hardworking and wise Chinese people, who live off mountains if living around mountains and the seas if living by the sea, have meticulously cultivated every inch of the land under their feet, and, with unconventional wisdom, absorbed nourishment from whatever available as food in nature. The Micro-Documentary series, Episode III, "Farming Proverbs of China: Mountain dwellers live off the mountains; shore dwellers live off the sea", presents to you the supply of diversified foods under the Greater Food approach and how they will enrich the foods on the dining tables of the Chinese people.


Supervising Producer: Wang Yuelu

总监制: 李遥

Chief Producer: Li Yao

策 划: 于军涛 张霰 杨建民

Planners: Yu Juntao, Zhang Xian, Yang Jianmin

撰 稿: 张霰 郭卉

Script Writers: Zhang Xian, Guo Hui

统 筹: 孙向向 寇瑄

Coordinators: Sun Xiangxiang, Kou Xuan

编 导: 张霰 郭卉

Choreographer-directors: Zhang Xian, Guo Hui

后 期: 曹茜 王迪

Post-production Editors: Cao Qian, Wang Di

翻 译:宋立芳 郑白 米雯婷(实习)

Script Translators: Song Lifang, Zheng Bai, Mi Wenting (Intern)

校 对:李文培 张晶晶(实习)

Text Proofreaders: Li Wenpei, Zhang Jingjing (Intern)

摄 像:郭宇翔

Cameraman: Guo Yuxiang

海 报:孙向向 孟阳

Poster makers: Sun Xiangxiang, Meng Yang

鸣 谢:中共乐亭县委宣传部 中共曹妃甸区委宣传部 中共黟县县委宣传部 黟县徽黄旅游发展(集团)有限公司

Acknowledgement: Thanks should go to Publicity Department of CPC Committee of Laoting County, Publicity Department of the CPC Caofeidian District Committee, Publicity Department of CPC Committee of Yixian County, Yixian Huihuang Tourism Development (Group) Co., Ltd.

Editor: Song Lifang