Farming Proverbs of China ②: Behind every good kid is a great mom and behind increased output of grain is a good seed
Aug 25,2023 Great Wall New Media

一粒入地,万粒归仓。种子,蕴藏着丰收的密码。无论是麦种执着地向泥土深处扎根,还是稻种温润地向广袤田畴繁衍,如同代代传承的中国农谚一般,书写着中国人与作物生生不息的故事。长城微纪录片《农谚中国》第二集《好儿要好娘 好种多打粮》,一起探寻种子的神奇力量。

From one grain sown into the earth, one thousand grains will spring. Seeds hold the code to a bountiful harvest. Whether it's wheat seeds rooting into the soil or rice seeds thriving across the fields, they narrate a story of unending life between the Chinese people and their crops, akin to the enduring farming proverbs passed down through generations in China. In the second episode of the micro-documentary series "Farming Proverbs of China", let's explore the magical power of seeds together.


Chief planner: Zhao Bing


Chief supervisor: Li Yao

策 划:于军涛 张霰 杨建民

Planners: Yu Juntao, Zhang Xian, Yang Jianmin

统 筹:陈海虹 孙向向 寇瑄

Coordinators: Chen Haihong, Sun Xiangxiang, Kou Xuan

编 导:张霰 郭卉

Choreographer-directors: Zhang Xian, Guo Hui

文 案:张霰 郭卉

Script writers: Zhang Xian, Guo Hui

后 期:曹茜 温紫薇

Post-production Editors: Cao Qian, Wen Ziwei

翻 译:郑白 宋立芳 李石(实习)

Script translators: Zheng Bai, Song Lifang, Li Shi (Intern)

校 对:李文培 米雯婷(实习)

Text proofreaders: Li Wenpei, Mi Wenting (Intern)

摄 像:郭宇翔

Cameraman: Guo Yuxiang

海 报:孙向向 孟阳

Poster makers: Sun Xiangxiang, Meng Yang

Editor:Zheng Bai, Mi Wenting (Intern)