China·Langfang Int'l Economic and Trade Fair in foreigners' eyes
Jun 19,2023 Great Wall New Media

长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 李文培 宋立芳 实习生 李石)2023年中国·廊坊国际经济贸易洽谈会,6月16日至21日在河北省廊坊市临空国际会展中心举办。6月16日,在由河北省商务厅、中国国际电子商务中心主办的2023“丝路电商”(河北)政企对话中,“丝路电商”伙伴国和RCEP签约国政府代表,国际组织代表等, 通过主题演讲和对话交流等方式,共同探讨 “丝路电商”合作发展的新挑战与新机遇。


2023 China·Langfang International Economic and Trade Fair is held from June 16 to 21 at the Langfang International Convention and Exhibition Center in north China's Hebei Province.

On June 16, Silk Road E-commerce partner countries and government representatives from parties in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), as well as representatives from international organizations, gathered at the 2023 "Silk Road E-commerce" (Hebei) Public & Private Dialogue to analyze the new challenges and explore opportunities for the development of Silk Road E-commerce through dialogues.

"I think China has the best opportunity to invest in our country in services," said Lilian Zambrano, the Legal Affairs Manager at National Council for Investment Promotion in Venezuela.

"Here in Hebei province I see the technology, it looks like it goes faster," lauded Shanylla Santokhi, the communication coodinator in Cabinet of the President Suriname.

Editor: Zheng Bai, Li Shi (Intern)