Investment Project | Zhuolu County Winery Road Project
Aug 29,2022 Great Wall New Media










联 系 人:项新华

联系电话:0313—6521441  13383131560  


邮 编:075600


Zhuolu County Winery Road Project

I. Project Content

Based on the Grape Corridor of Sanggan Valley, the project organically integrates the 300-year-old "Grape King", Yellow Emperor Hall of Qiaoshan, Ding Ling Memorial Hall, Huaibaoyu and Guangentun Ancient City. By drawing on the form of foreign wine estates and wine castles, the project combines grape planting and picking, wine production and research, ecological tourism and cultural display. It plans to build a winery road integrating base planting, juicing and brewing, brand filling, private wine cellar, hot spring fitness, grape sightseeing and tourism, so as to realize the organic combination of winery, culture and tourism, and create a Sanyang grape leisure tourism belt.

II. Investment Estimation and Funding Sources

The total investment of the project is 1 billion yuan, and all the investment will be attracted.

III. Market Analysis

Winery economy is a typical manorial economy. As the fifth largest wine consumer and the sixth largest wine producer in the world, China's wine consumption is becoming increasingly nutritious, high-end, civilized and fashionable. At present, the steady growth of wine sales, has become the fastest growing industry in the food and beverage industry in the same period, the construction of wine estate, vigorously develop wine estate economy, good market prospects, broad space for development.

IV. Construction Conditions

The traffic location of the project has obvious advantages, only 125 kilometers away from Beijing, Beijing–Lhasa Expressway, Beijing–Urumqi Expressway, Beijing-Yuxian expressway across the east and west, Zhangjiakou-Zhuozhou expressway longitudinal across the north and south. At the same time, Zhuolu is one of the world's three gold grape production areas with rich grape resources, the county grape planting area is 230,000 mu, a total of more than 70 varieties, the output is more than 20,000 tons, with excellent construction conditions.

V. Economic Benefit Analysis

It is planned to build 20 wineries along the concentrated grape producing areas, with an estimated income of 10 million yuan for each. With catering service and other related industries, the annual sales revenue of 300 million yuan and profit of 50 million yuan can be achieved.

VI. Ways of cooperation: Sole proprietorship

VII. Contact Information

Company: Zhuolu county Development and Reform Bureau

Contact: Xiang Xinhua

Tel: 0313—6521441  13383131560  


Development and Reform Bureau of Zhuolu County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province



Editor: Song Lifang