探访巴西③ | 走进奶牛农场
Sep 26,2024 冀云

长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 武萌 张梦琳 刘志成)中巴建交50年以来,两国各领域务实合作成果丰硕。早在2007年,巴西与中国已就开放乳制品市场达成协定。2021年11月初,首批巴西乳制品运抵中国。长城记者今天带您深入到巴西戈亚斯州的蓝天奶牛农场,实地探访巴西奶牛产业的发展情况。

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil 50 years ago, the two countries have achieved fruitful results in practical cooperation in various fields.

As early as 2007, Brazil and China reached an agreement to open up the dairy market.

In early November 2021, the first batch of Brazilian dairy products arrived in China.Today, the Great Wall reporter will take you to the Blue Sky Dairy Farm in Goias State, Brazilto visit the development of Brazil's dairy industry.