探访巴西① | 走进水晶之城Cristalina
Sep 26,2024 冀云

长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 武萌 张梦琳 刘志成)在中巴建交五十周年之际,长城国际传播中心记者应邀深入河北友好省州—巴西戈亚斯州,开启中巴记者联合采访之旅,实地探访两国两省州务实合作的丰硕成果和广阔前景。


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil, the Great Wall International Communication Center, at the invitation, embarked on a joint reporting journey with Brazilian journalists to the friendly state of Goiás in Brazil. The visit aimed to explore the substantial achievements and broad prospects of practical cooperation between the two countries and the sister province and state.

In this issue, reporters visited the small city of Cristalina, rich in gemstone resources, in Brazil. China and Brazil have maintained a long-standing and fruitful cooperative relationship in mining and related industries. The locals told reporters that they also aspire to follow China's path of green development, looking forward to more cooperation with China in the field of green economy, aiming for high quality and sustainability to become synonymous with the new era of China-Brazil cooperation.